Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Mini Strawberry Shortcakes

I am so proud of my minis!  We have challenged ourselves to going without sugar for 30 days, and they are 8 days in and doing wonderfully.  The hard part: it’s summer and we usually do lots of treats (because we can) during the summer, especially for our afternoon reading-snuggle-tea time.  And let me tell ya, Pinterest doesn’t exactly help.  But, we’re going strong and they’ve taken to checking nutrition labels to make sure everything they eat has less than 10g of sugar per serving. 

I know even 10g is a lot, but compared to where we were before (cake for breakfast, pie for lunch, and ice cream for dinner, anyone?), it’s a huge improvement.  Go Team!

Three of the yummies -- the most I could keep on the plate due to mini theft.

To that end, I’ve been on the prowl for treats that are healthy and summery and fun.*  This one was a major hit, so much so that they kids have begged me to go to the store tomorrow and get more strawberries.  That is saying something, considering I attempted this treat because the ones in the fridge were on the very cusp of going bad – another reason I decided to “hide” the strawberries under layers of yogurt and wafers. 

My only strawberry.  It really did taste like shortcake.

I know, I’m a horrible mother. 

So without further ado, the recipe:

Three ingredients -- I can handle that.

Mini Strawberry Shortcakes

1lb package of fresh strawberries
12 vanilla wafers
¼ cup Greek vanilla yogurt

·         Crush 12 vanilla wafers.  I put cookies in gallon freezer bag and used a marble rolling pin until they were finely crushed.
·         Hull strawberries
·         Roll strawberries in yogurt -- I used a bamboo skewer to hold the berry.
·         Roll strawberries in crushed wafers.
·         Make sure the kids leave you just some – I had to throw elbows to get mine.  Okay, that’s slightly hyperbolic, but I did have to sternly shoo minis away so I could try one.

*Side note: Because our eating had gotten so out of control, I told the kids that I wasn’t counting fruit sugars against them.   At this point, we need to be getting real food into our bodies and fruit is a definite improvement!    

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