Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wardrobing a Family Photo Shoot

Family Portraits | How Not to End Up on an Awkward Family Photo Meme

It had been a while since we’d had family portraits taken.  In our last attempt, I’m pretty sure the Firefly cried throughout the entire shoot and the Koala would not spit out his pacifier.  So, yeah, maybe a little too long.  Thus, we’d been talking about getting an update for a few years; we’re not exactly the kind of folks who commit easily.  We’re also the kind of folks who don’t take advantage of opportunities; another reason for the delay.
That’s the lead in.  Go with me. 

Last weekend, the Officer and I trundled the kids down to the 5-oh-5 for the International Balloon Fiesta, an annual tradition for our family, and to spend time with our northern-most Neuvo Mexico familia.  To prep for our trip, we ran errands all day Thursday, packed in 30 minutes, grabbed the kids right after school, and  began the now 10 hour trip (thanks to washed-out highways) down.  We planned the weekend around the fiesta, filling our extra bits of time with intended family visits, before our return on Sunday.  Whirlwind, but worth it. 
I will take a moment to remind you that the Officer and I packed ourselves, two kids and one puppy in thirty minutes.  Meh, we figured, we’re going to visit family; what we forget, they’ll have, or we won’t really need anyway.  I had a moment of pause as I retrieved my makeup bag.  I’ve taken to going completely without now that we’re mountain folk.  Seriously, I don’t wear it to church, to school, to meetings; I don’t even put it on when we go into the city anymore.  Mostly because I forget, but also partly because it’s such a hassle.   So my initial thought in packing was: leave it here; they’ll be more room in the duffle bag that way.  Besides, everyone you’re gonna see is family, so what does it matter?  But, I stuffed it in the car, not even in my bag, at the last minute, just in case.

Turns out, this was a serendipitous decision.
On Friday, as we were hanging out with my Mother-in-Love, she mentioned wanting to have portraits made.  We were amenable to the idea, as I mention earlier, and started planning with her.  Then, probably because she knows we’re commitment shy, she decided to call a portrait studio on a whim; you know, just to see if they had any openings in the next 24 hours that wouldn’t conflict with our ballooning plans.  They Did!  So began the frantic scramble to get a family of 6 adults and 2 kids ready for a photo shoot in less than a day.

I will pause here to say that I’m an avid Pinterest-er.  I have a board with ideas for cute family portrait outfits; I’ve spent free time thinking of venues and poses and techniques and coordinating-but-not-matching clothes.  So I thought I could handle this last minute excitement.  But as I scrolled through my newly-downloaded Pinterest App eyeballing the ideas I’d so carefully culled from among thousands, a sinking feeling oozed its way into my stomach.  Maybe if my MiL and I had a dedicated 24 hours, and an unlimited budget, we could pull off some of these spectacular ideas.  But I was increasingly aware that the reality of this actually happening was fast approaching nil; because we already had a full schedule and a very small window of time in which to coordinate everything.  And again, the Officer and I packed in thirty minutes; so we were a little sparse in the clothes-we’d-like-preserved-for-posterity department.    
Thankfully, my MiL had put some thought into this already and it was quickly decided that we would all wear jeans and Lobo jerseys.  Though only one of our clan actually graduated as a Lobo [the Officer and I started out as Lobos, but ended up graduating as a JackRabbit and Sea Wolf, respectively], we all agreed that since my Brother-in-Love and his wife, Sister-in-Love, already had jerseys, this would be the easiest and most agreeable route.  With that settled, we only had to find 4 adult and 2 kid shirts.  No problem. 

                                                 Aha ha-ha ha-ha.
Our first stop was the University Bookstore.  We knew we’d be gouged, but we figured we’d have the best luck with sizes there.  Funny story: we visited during Fall Break.  The Bookstore was closed.  And no other themed clothier presented itself anywhere near the university.  Thus my intrepid MiL pulled out her phone and started calling all the places she could think of that would carry Lobo merchandise.  Three stores promised they had what we needed.  Until we checked sizes.  Apparently every child residing in the 505 area code, over 4T, owns Lobo apparel; as does every adult under the XXXL size. 

Beginning to feel the time crunch – we all still needed to get ready for the photo shoot looming only 2 and ½ hours away – we started pitching other ideas.  Black was nixed since we’d all worn that in our last photo.  Color coordination became a nightmare because only 3 adults were shopping together, so there was no guarantee the colors would actually coordinate.  The Officer, my MiL, kids and I ran through Target like crazed people, trying different options, hitting sizing roadblocks at every turn.  Finally, we circled back around to black.  It was easy.  It was available in all the right sizes.  It was inexpensive.  And we were down to the last 2 hours before our shoot.  Decisions had to be made.  So the Officer, MiL, and I split up – each going off to find the right number of the right size black shirts.  We came together outside the dressing room, multiple options in hand, ready to be done costuming this event. 
The Officer, in a sweet attempt to lighten the mood, jokingly held up a black t-shirt with a simple Batman logo on it.  “I’m going as Batman,” he deadpanned. 

We laughed.  “Let’s all go as Batman,” I volleyed.  But then, returning to the task, I asked him where he’d gotten the shirt from so I could put it back.  [Really, even if I hadn’t worked retail for years, I felt bad for the mess we were making trying to get this wardrobe issue settled.]
He told me he’d gotten it off a table with lots of other super hero shirts and led me to them.

I think that was the moment my inner geek squealed and clapped her hands.

It may have even been out loud.

For whatever reason, be it Halloween or an overstock from a recent movie release, Target was selling a plethora of inexpensive, simple, retro-looking Marvel and DC superhero t-shirts.  In every size imaginable.  It was one of those, “Ah-ah-ah,” moments; perfectly timed and orchestrated, and something we’d never have gone for if we’d had more say in the matter. 
Luckily, it took almost no convincing to get all the other adults on board – they may have just been glad we’d ditched the all-black repeat – and we found shirts for everybody.  The kids even ended up with miniature version of the Grandparents’ shirts.  Triumphant, we raced home to get ready and get photographed.

The studio was filled to bursting with families in all manner of carefully-selected, color-coordinated, fancier-than-they-normally-wear, uncomfortable clothing.  We rambled in wearing our t-shirts, jeans, and comfy shoes.  The eye of every male in the place sought us out longingly; some even sighed as we strolled by.  And tugged at their ties.  We had more than one comment, either direct or overheard, complementing our theme.  And when it came time to actually take the pictures, we ended up laughing through the whole shoot.  We posed as our respective superheroes, my BiL mounted the kids on his biceps in a demonstration of strength, and each of us had a fabulous time as our laid-back alter-egos.     
So now we not only have the pictures for posterity, but we also have the great memories of an afternoon filled with laughter and ease to accompany them.  It was, hands down, the best photography session I’ve ever had.    

Thus, my wardrobe advice for photo shoots, particularly with families: go to Target, get some t-shirts, and laugh your way through your session.  You’ll end up looking more like yourselves in the pictures. 

 L to R: Hawkeye, Punisher, Batman, Superman, Captain America, Green Lantern | Kids: Batman & Superman
Picture by: Portrait Innovations, Albuquerque, NM

And that’s what you want to capture anyway.         


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